
It's hard to smile

You are my perfect distraction,
From the heaviness in my heart.
You give me drive and direction,
His kisses taste tart.
When I know he'd rather be elsewhere,
It's hard to smile.
As your eyes from mine do tear,
I feel that you are already gone a mile.
The best of us grips my finger,
I try to smile for her.
But the tears linger,
These feelings are something I never again wanted to encounter.

Sailor on an ocean of love

Like a sailor longs for the sea,
I long for your hand in mine to be.
The emptiness that freezes my core,
Lusting after your presence, always wanting more.
You have no clue that my past is haunting me,
For my happiness to return, you are the key.
I need you, why can't you see that?
Every time you leave, I need more than that.

Blessing in Disguise

This sudden gift to me,
Finally someone has heard my plea.
But the timing see,
Is better not to be.

I've realized that their is no receipt,
This is mine to keep.
Not one, but two must greet,
This new arrival.

One heart says yes, the other says no,
You can run, but I have nowhere to go.
I've sunken to a new low,
Sucked beneath the undertow.

A blessing in disguise, a chance at happiness,
Or maybe it will just create a mess.
I'm wondering if this is all a test,
Or will we lose it all, over this.


Let's have some clarification

Let's have some clarification,
On this messy situation.
I need to know if you are happy,
Being my little girl's daddy.
Cause if you aren't then please don't waste any time,
By milking me to the last dime.
I want to be the lips you dream of,
I'm the one you should think of with love.
I can't help but feel you're passing me by,
It makes me feel as if I could die.
Selfishness is not an option,
Cartooned anger in a new caption.
I heard once that love contained,
Can leave some one very deranged.
I demand of you to speak the truth,
Before this comes to claw and tooth.


Let Anger Lay...

The blood on your hands,
Is not that of a man's.
Love ruled you this night,
You threw it all aside, leading into a fight.
You wanted respect, and now you have less,
You left us with this mess.
You don't want to listen to the words that aren't yours,
Now the red blood pours.
I called you brother, one of my kin,
I should have listened to the voice within.
Straighten your thoughts and curb the rage,
Lets try to turn the page.
Part and stay away
Until another day, and anger is left to lay..