
Crow's Nest of Remorse

When I think of pain, I think of my own experiences. I think of the friends I have lost, the terror in their eyes as they realized that death was upon them, and there was nothing they could do. I also think of my years in the hospital, buried under breathing apparatuses and suffocating under a sea of medications and experimental treatments. I remember how much it tore me apart to watch the men I have loved walk away. There are many instances of such pain I do recall, and I shudder with the memories.

The type of pain that clutches at me tightly, makes it hard to breathe and brings forth tears that seemed to be pulled by invisible lines through my forehead, is the pain of others. I cannot stand to watch someone cry, knowing the unbelievable strain upon their heart is tearing them apart.That I cannot reach inside their chest cavity and rip that remorse from them, and then wipe their tears away. All I can do is hold them, hope to hold them together so that they can have the strength the face another day.

I read another blogger's post today, where she spoke of her pain over losing her husband, and how her children were dealing. I found myself in tears and wishing I could each through the screen and take away her pain. Why is it that so many people are so involved in their own plights, that they fail to see the world's? This woman spoke of herself briefly, but the majority of her post was focused on her children. I found it uplifting and inspiring.

Thank you.


Beautful Fake and Ugly Reality

Something none of us want to admit that we care about, that runs our existence. Its something that affects everyone, whether you are a hermit or a first class hoochie momma. What we own, what we can afford, categories us, and defines the person we are. Is that what we all want? To be defined by what we are wearing, what brand you have the most of, or what toys you have? What happened to two people coming together and conversing about things that truly matter? What happened to the actually important issues, rather than being controlled by the profit we make?

Our existence should be about living, truly living. Reveling in the simplistic pleasures that the world offers. Such as a spring rain fall soaking you, making you remember that you are ALIVE. Instead we are inside all day, clacking away at our keyboards, our skin growing pale and our stomach's too full. Even I am guilty of this. There are days that I wake up and remember that I could be dead tomorrow, that I am wasting my precious time.

As the weeks pass, I realize that I slowly am awakening again, my eyes slowly tearing open to the world around me. Sometimes it takes something real to come crashing into your world, to make you see that everything around you is so fake, and begin that search to find reality again.

So tell me, will you stay in your fake plastic world of happiness;

Or will you awaken and push through the ugliness of reality to find true beauty in the world we are wasting?